Review Brew: Dead of Winter #2

Pop Culture Uncovered

Writer: Kyle Starks
Artist/Colors: Gabriel “Gabo” Bautista
Letterer: Crank!
Publisher: Oni Press
Price $3.99

Dead of Winter #2 follows Gabriel Diaz, Ruckus Burley, and Sparky the Super Dog as they go around helping people in the zombie apocalypse. In this issue, we see Gabriel, Ruckus, and Annaleigh being taken prisoner by a crazed police officer after a grenade explodes their vehicle.

I have to say, Dead of Winter #2 was solid and really shows the effects of living in the zombie apocalypse. The story is split between what’s happening with the police officer and what Carla and Sparky are doing. Starks’ writing manages to effectively balance what’s going on within the story, and the shifting focus makes the story have some funny and tense moments. The man dressed as Santa Claus is revealed and tells how he’s survived so far, and we’re treated to some amusing dialog in a nice back…

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